Mother of the Ocean

09 May 2021

Watch 'Mother of the Ocean' featuring team rider Imogen Caldwell, who is expecting her first child shortly. The O'Neill team are fully behind Imogen as she moves into this exciting new stage of her life, and recently caught up with Imogen to ask a few questions:


O. Mother’s Day was always about celebrating your mum, as you are soon to be a mum, how is your feelings about Mother’s day this year?  Is there added excitement?
IC. I'm so excited for this new chapter in my life, I've always wanted to be a mum. This journey has me in awe of all of the beautiful mothers around me, women truly are incredible. 
O. What from your Mum and Dad’s parenting what did you learn and want to pass on to your child? 
IC. There is too many to list but the main ones would have to be, honesty, love & always giving 100%. I was taught to respect my natural surroundings and to never take our beautiful home for granted, which is such an important lesson I will pass on. 
O. What did your parents provide you that you will ensure to provide your child? 

IC. I was lucky enough to be provided with a unique upbringing in remote WA. Being raised in and around the ocean and in such an isolated area gave me a different perspective on life. I hope to be able to give my little one some of the same experiences I had as a kid.


O. Did your parents support your surfing and love for the ocean?  Is an ocean life a life you want your child to have? 
IC. The ocean has given me everything I have today and I hope that this little boy shares the same love and appreciation that I do. My dad pushed me into my first waves and I'm excited to be able to be able to give that experience to my son.



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