Our top picks for an all-round suit to get you through Winter are thePsycho One 3/2 or theHyperfreak 3/2+.
Psycho One has fully sealed seams, hydrophobic outer fabric and Firewall liner, so you stay drier longer inside the suit. It’s super stretchy and flexible and very warm.
TheHyperfreak has glued and taped seams and no firewall liner so it’s not as warm as the Psycho One, but it’s the stretchiest most comfortable suit we’ve ever made, if you don’t need as much warmth but want to feel like you’re surfing nude.
Special mention also to theDefender Full 3/2 which sits below the top end Psycho and Hyper Series, but is a premium, very flexible and warm suit. If you want a really solid option at a lower price this is a great pick.
If you can surf through Winter without putting on a steamer, lucky you! These tuff guys will be happy in the Youth Reactor II 2mm Springsuit, or for more choice check out our Autumn/Spring recommendations.
For crew who like to chuck on booties, we’d highly recommend the lightweightNinja Booties.
If you need to know something specific, drop us a line for a chat
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Soli Bailey, O'Neill global athlete