Ah, the Victorian summer... stinking hot days, with a tiny window of water warm enough for just a swimsuit. If you’re after a neoprene jacket there are some great options in our range, but we’ll focus here on spring suit options as that’s what we get the most mileage out of in summer.
Our Bahia 2mm Long Sleeve Springsuit (in the Cheeky or Mid cut) are easily the most common choice for the Vicco summer. Good warmth through the body and arms, plenty of protection from the sun, all in a suit that's easy to get in and out of in a flash.
The Bahia 2mm Short Sleeve Full Steamer is another popular choice for those girls that like the extra warmth in the legs and a little more freedom in the arms.
For those who prefer short arm options, try the Bahia 2mm Short Sleeve Springsuit, or the Reactor II Springsuit is the most affordable options, but doesn't have as much stretch/comfort/warmth as the Bahia series.
It's worth noting there are occasionally periods during a Vicco summer that require a 3/2mm steamer. TheBahia 3/2mm Steamer is the top pick here, with a thermal firewall to trap the warmth in, plus soft and comfy neoprene. Alternatively, theReactor II 3/2mm Steameris a more affordable option, but doesn't offer as much stretch/comfort/warmth as the Bahia series.
It just depends on what’s most important to you - warmth / flexibility / price.
Check out the autumn/spring recommendations for further suggestions if you feel the cold more or you are leaning towards cooler conditions.
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